
We are committed to the highest professional standards for the protection of our clients' confidential information. We, at all times, will respect the confidential nature inherent in a professional relationships. This committment is an essential component of how we work and who we are.

Our commitment is rooted in all aspects of our governance structure and culture. Our confidentiality framework includes confidentiality definitions, and standards on conflict of interest, information sharing, and physical and IT security. Our specific confidentiality processes are continually reviewed and updated to ensure that they fully align with the changing business environment and best-practice standards.

We treat the following information as completely confidential:

  • Client names or identities — unless otherwise discussed with the client
  • Client-specific deliverables and work products — including drafts and preliminary analyses
  • Client-specific data provided by the client or a client-related vendor — including quantitative data sets, RFPs and invitations to tender, or internal documents provided by or related to client work engagement
  • Knowledge and information about our clients — including current or future operations, strategy, and other business-related information gained by us while working on tenders, RFPs, and proposals