Accelerating Into The Future With A Sustainable & Inclusive Growth


Improving Productivity, Strengthening Innovation, and Competing Globally

The automotive industry is experiencing profound disruption – from breakthroughs in electric vehicles and self-driving cars to ridesharing, and more. These are not just affecting the automotive or even the transportation industry in select markets or industries. These fundemental developments are poised to change the world as we know it.

Successfully navigating the future of the automotive industry requires embracing a new mindset, new products, and new ways of working. Our automotive strategy specialists have deep industry experience and use issue-specific diagnostics to help clients strategize and prioritize.

Our expertise and global reach allow us to bring a radically different approach to serving clients in the automotive-and-assembly business. We have a notable track record of delivering client impact across a wide range of topics. We can address strategic challenges, such as developing growth strategies or go-to-market strategies, but we also have expertise in portfolio strategy, sales excellence and large-scale capture and transformation programs.

Working Knowledge

  • Automotive OEMs
  • Automotive R&D
  • Automotive Suppliers
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Engine Assembly
  • Machinery


  • Digital Supply Chain
  • Digital Transformation
  • Emerging Markets
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Organizational Performance
  • Risk & Resilience
  • Strategic Engagement